Depending on the conditions a substance may skip a phase so a solid may become a gas or a gas may become a solid without experiencing the liquid phase.
At room temperature are most metals solids liquids or gases.
Matter typically exists in one of three states.
They can also be found as solids but they are brittle and nonconductive.
Solid liquid or gas.
At room temperature most metals are.
Most metals exist as solids at room temperature.
Most nonmetals form as gases or liquids at room temperature.
Substances that conduct an electric current only under certain conditions are most likely to be.
On the other hand increasing temperature and decreasing pressure allows particles to move father apart.
Some substances exist as gases at room temperature oxygen and carbon dioxide while others like water and mercury metal exist as liquids.
The state a given substance exhibits is also a physical property.
It depends on the properties of the substance.
In the periodic table above black squares indicate elements which are solids at room temperature about 22ºc those in blue squares are liquids at room temperature and those in red squares are gases at room temperature.